How To Stay Committed To A Cause

Word count:2722

hey what's up this is Leo for actualised org in this video I want to talk about commitment and I want to give you an example of what it takes to be committed to your life purpose Hey all right commitment let's talk about this let's crack into it I want to get really practical with you guys in these videos and I want to give you more and more details about what does actually mean about some of these concepts because sometimes when you get these concepts I know what's going on in your head and I let you're dismissing them because you're missing the depth and the impact that they can really have on you and one of the things that I think I can do is share more examples of what I really mean and a lot of times you'll be surprised by how these concepts actually get fleshed out in real life and how it give me something something very simple that you just overlook you don't really notice these things until you you start to study this stuff like I do and when I give you these examples I think we're gonna do is solidify in your mind what I'm really talking about so one of the things that I want from you is I want commitment from you and I want you to be working taking action on your goals and one of the things that I mean by commitment because commitment can be an abstract term what the hell is commitment mean how do you quantify commitment well I got a perfect example for you today it's actually something I kind of struggled with a little bit so a little technical fact is that as I'm shooting these videos what I do is I use an expensive wireless microphone wireless microphone system plugs into the camera I've got it on my on my hip here and this microphone system takes two double-a batteries on each the receiver and the transmitter so it's four double A batteries and I don't know how much time does do I get I usually get maybe I'd say four hours of recording on on four of those batteries so just you know one set of batteries will get me about four hours of footage and then the battery dies out and then I need to replace those to shoot more video and so what's the point well the point is that I kind of have been putting myself on track to be releasing a lot of content a lot of video for you guys and I want to keep doing that for the long run and so today I had a pack of maybe 12 batteries I'm starting to run low and so I went to where would I go I went to Home Depot to buy some more batteries and I'm stocking up and as I'm there I'm looking at the battery counter and there's all sorts all sorts of brands all sorts of sizes in the packages I'm looking for the double A's and I've seen packages you know I see a four pack I see an eight pack I see a twelve pack another twelve pack that's nice I want something you know something big because I plan to be shooting more of these videos I'm committed to that so twelve pack looks good then I select what is more than twelve how about a 20 pack did have a 20 pack sure enough they have a 20 pack then I look do they have anything bigger like a 30 pack sure enough there's like a thirty six pack of Energizer's like yeah that's that's what I should be getting right I mean why I'm gonna save some money if I do that but ultimately you know why would I not do that if I'm serious about releasing this content am i serious about or not why am i hesitating I found myself hesitating and it's not like I have a money problem I don't have a shortage of money so I can splurge and buy as many batteries as I really want it's not going to really affect my bottom line but psychologically what's happening in my mind is there's a little bit of a war going on it's a little subtle if you're not sensitive to it and what was happening was there I was standing there as I was thinking on the one level I saw some limiting beliefs I still have about money and scarcity and I still thought myself ii do i really need 36 energizer batteries you know what am i gonna do with that many of them what if I end up not liking the Energizer's and maybe I want some other brand later then I'm gonna have all these leftover batteries or what happens if they expire and then I actually picked up the packages are looking at expiration dates I'm wondering like am I gonna even be able to burn through that many batteries in the next year or two however long the battery lasts I wasn't sure so started looking at the expiration dates and by the way batteries last forever so there's a problem there but the other thought that I was having was I was really the bottom line of it what I was doing was I was questioning whether this is something that I'm committed to because on the one hand logically I'm saying yes I'm committed to this I'm committed to releasing lots of content I want to be doing this for at least the next few years of my life I'm just gonna devote myself to creating content maybe even longer if things are going great so I've committed myself to that but see I'm still working the process it's not just simple it's not black and white you start off and you tell yourself consciously but it's still not really permeated on the subconscious level it's not totally you you don't always believe everything you tell yourself and that's how it should be that doesn't mean you're bullshitting yourself you're moving yourself up you're kind of bootstrapping yourself and bootstrapping yourself can be tricky it can be tough sometimes your mind will resist so in this case my mind was resisting a little bit I noticed that I wasn't fully bought in with the battery situation and I'm like well you know what I mean why why am I not practicing what I'm preaching here I mean I'm telling you guys to be committed I'm telling myself even my highest self is telling my lot telling my lower self that I'm committed and that I'm willing to do this I'm gonna be spending the next few years doing this so logically it just makes sense that I would stock up on as many batteries I can get because I'm burning through batteries so quickly that realistically I'm gonna be burning through probably 36 batteries in a month if not in a few weeks because of how much content I shoot so that being the case all you can easily be able to use those batteries but even as I was having that argument with myself I still noticed resistance the lower self was resisting and it was sayin but what if I want to leave my options open right what if I decide to this wasn't really what I want to do maybe I decided I want to do something else maybe I stopped shooting video maybe something happens and uh you know not too smart too to stock up in that case right but see what I'm doing there is I'm leaving my options open sometimes it's smart to leave your options open I'm not saying you should always cut make make these decisions and make these cuts sometimes you want to keep stuff open great but sometimes you want to make a cut you wanna make a clear cut and you want to say this is it I'm all-in I'm committed it's a little bit of a technique you know a little bit of a kind of a mindfuck that you run on yourself to get yourself to follow through on the stuff that you said you're gonna follow through on it stuff I mean sometimes I'm really excited to be shooting these videos usually I am but it's still tough to motivate myself to get up here and do this stuff I mean I have to summon charisma and energy and knowledge and resources that I would rather not just have to summon I mean I'd rather sit on the couch and do nothing honestly I mean not that would be easier more comfortable than being up here in front of a bright light and shooting all this stuff and worrying about whether I said everything I wanted to say and getting it right and editing in and posting in and then trying to make sure that you guys are happy with it and I'm happy with it I mean that's more of a hassle than not doing it right but there's something higher there that I'm working towards I'm making a commitment I'm making a commitment and I'm recommitting this is key you don't make a commitment once you keep re committing because I can guarantee you that even if you find that perfect fit that perfect life purpose that perfect cause in your life that perfect business that perfect job just that perfect vocation for you your life calling you find it you feel awesome the next week I mean your life can still feel pretty dull and in fact you can feel depress the next week because you were on a high now you're on the low that's how it is sometimes and then some you get some snag here you get some snag there something doesn't quite go the way you want it to go you're becoming butthurt about it becoming depressed about it all the sudden you start going into a spiral of negative thinking worried pessimism all the sudden you start thinking about failure too much all your old limiting he's come back in a big bright flash and what do you want to do you want to quit you want to cut you want to run you want to pull yourself out of that commitment oh yeah you don't want to be commit at that point but what you got to do is you got to realize that it's all a trick it's your mind with you it's your mind trying to keep you where you're at and not where you should be and so what you got to do is you got to push yourself through and you say this is tough this is a really tough time but I'm pushing through and I'm not gonna say this battery situation was really tough for me it was just a subtle thing but I want you to notice how commitment gets translated into something very tangible wait one second look batteries right what am i into buying I bought 60 double-a Rayo max 60 batteries look at that 60 bad boys so now I am excited to create enough content to burn through 60 batteries this is about 15 four-hour sessions of footage so I got a lot of recording to do this is what I mean about commitment this is practical this is tangible and what I want you to be doing with all the information that I'm sharing with you throughout all these videos not just this one but all the rest is I want you to always keep in mind that everything that I'm telling you that seems abstract it is abstract it's a principle it's a guideline it's a rule of thumb but you need to take it upon yourself to then find ways of applying it because this this is how I interpreted commitment this works for me this is not going to work for you you don't need 60 double A batteries it's not gonna do anything for you you need something else in your life commitment for you is gonna mean something totally different but the idea of it is still going to apply the abstract principle is gonna apply how it's gonna actually manifest that's for you to decide you have to use your best judgment but all these concepts that I'm throwing at you they are practical so don't tell me they're abstract you just aren't using the way that I want you to be using them you're not taking the initiative you still have to do the work I'm not here to solve your problems I'm here to give you ideas I'm here to inspire you and to keep you honest with yourself and to keep you accountable to your highest self and I do that by providing wisdom knowledge inspiration whatever so this is what it comes down to right start to be smart about this start to see how wisdom manifests in the world in practical ways like this and you will start moving forward really fast in your life because all the stuff that you know is right you're gonna start doing it and it's gonna start manifesting it's gonna start happening you're just gonna start taking action and stuff it's going to connect with you and you're gonna say ah so that's what that principle meant and you're gonna start to say oh okay so that principle is actually it was abstract but it was actually kind of powerful there's power in the abstractness of it because I can give you very very my new shoe type tips and try to end techniques but that's not going to make you resourceful plus it's just not very practical with this format where I don't really know you too well through the camera but the more powerful thing here is that you start to develop an understanding an appreciation of what abstract principles and ideas can do for you when you start to see that Wow when you really feel it you really buy into this that wisdom can actually be practical and can actually be transformative to your life and improve your life in very tangible ways what's gonna happen is that you're really gonna buy into this whole idea of self mastery than I'm promoting you're gonna buy into the self-help movement you're gonna start reading books you're gonna start accumulating more wisdom you actually gonna start thinking about wisdom and that's what you need it's not enough to just sit here and absorb information for me it's not even enough to go and apply a principle I want you to go above and beyond that I want you to not only apply a principle successfully but to see how this works but I want you to start to cultivate a deep appreciation and understanding that these principles are power and that you should want to learn about them and understand them almost for their own sake not even for what they do for you although they can do a lot but almost for their own sake because of the power that they have and then the majesty of wisdom all right so this is it I'm getting off my soapbox this is Leo signing off go ahead leave me your comments share this please like it so that others can get the message and of course I would like you to check out actualized org where you can sign up to the free newsletter where I release exclusive articles every week so you could stay on top of your commitment and recommit and I can help you to keep remembering and holding yourself accountable also for signing up you get some awesome free bonuses you get a 19 part video series exclusive only to my subscribers and you also get a chance to win two hours of free coaching from me which I give away every month so you don't want to 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